I have really enjoyed Instructional Technology. I consider myself fairly tech savvy, but this degree has opened my eyes to much more about technology where education is concerned. Even as an art teacher, I can see the need and benefit of utilizing technology in the classroom. I think through the courses I have taken at West Georgia, I am better prepared to create a learning environment with technology and offer valuable insight to my peers. Cross-curricular education and student-centered lessons have become big goals for me through the course of my graduate work, both, masters and specialist. I think instructional technology can help me achieve this at a higher interest and success rate with students. It will also allow me to collaborate more with core subject teachers and make connections in my classroom to content students are learning about. I think instructional technology has forever changed my outlook on education and how we can connect this generation of students to the technology of the 21stcentury that they will surely use in the coming years.